Thesis project survey- how better nurse to patient ratios actually save a hospital $s


I am studying for my Master's in Management, Healthcare at New England College. As part of my program I am required to do a survey for my thesis. This survey is for staff nurses in all areas of acute care nursing. I would appreciate anyone who would complete and post responses to my attached survey. You can also respond using the PM system. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Robin Guilfoyle, RN, BSN, BA, MSM Candidate

The purpose of this survey is to obtain data to be used exclusively for my thesis project on nurse to patient ratios and nursing retention and turnover to be presented at New England College. This data will not be shared with any party outside of the NEC thesis class or thesis presentation committee at the college. All data is strictly confidential.

Current Job Title:___________________ State of Licensure:________

Current Rate of Pay:________

Highest Level of Clinical Education: Diploma/ ADN/ BSN/ MSN

Yrs. As a Full Time RN:______

1. How satisfied are you with your current position?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Satisfied Extremely

Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfied

2. How likely are you to change jobs (leaving one facility to go to another) in the next 12 months?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Likely Extremely

Unlikely Unlikely Likely Likely

3. How would you rate your organizations interest in employee issues?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Interested Extremely

Disinterested Disinterested Interested Interested

4. Rank in order of importance TO YOU the following employee issues:

1= most important, 6=least important

______ Pay rate/Benefits

______ Acknowledgement of work effort

______ Types of positions/position options-growth and advancement

______ Nurse to Patient assignment ratio

______ Autonomy

______ Positive atmosphere/work environment

5. How important do you feel your rate of pay is to your overall job satisfaction?

1 2 3 4 5

Not Important Somewhat Somewhat Important Extremely

At All Unimportant Important Important

6. Is a better nurse to patient ratio enough to make you consider a job change?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Likely Extremely

Unlikely Unlikely Likely Likely

7. What best describes your area of specialty? (Select one)

A. Critical Care-ICU/Emergency

B. Intermediate-Telemetry/Step-down/Interventional

C. Medical/Surgical-Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation

D. Other___________________________

8. What is your current nurse to patient ratio? (Most commonly used-benchmark) Enter a single number

Patients-_______: 1 RN

9. How important do you feel your current nurse to patient ratio is to your overall job satisfaction?

1 2 3 4 5

Not Important Somewhat Somewhat Important Extremely

At All Unimportant Important Important

10. Why do you feel most people leave the place you currently work for positions elsewhere?

(Please select the top reason)

1. Better pay/benefits

2. Better/More Acknowledgement of work effort

3. Better position/promotion

4. Better Nurse to patient ratios

5. More Autonomy

6. Better/More positive work environment

7. Other (Please specify): _____________________________________

11a. If your current nurse to patient ratio stays the same in your organization in the next 3 years, how likely are you to consider a job change to another organization?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Likely Extremely

Unlikely Unlikely Likely Likely

11b. If you selected Likely or Extremely Likely on question 11a.: How likely are you to look to continue working in the same area of practice?

1 2 3 4 5

Completely Somewhat Somewhat Likely Extremely

Unlikely Unlikely Likely Likely

Thank you for participating in this survey,

Robin Guilfoyle, RN, BSN, BA

Candidate for Masters in Management, New England College

Thesis project

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