Published Oct 1, 2004
7 Posts
Hello. Any opinion on Texas Christian University? I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma so I thought it would be a great program for me since they have Tulsa as one of their clinical sites. What do you think of their program? Is it reputable? I do know it is a fairly new program. Also, can anyone tell me how much the program generally costs to out-of-state students? Any help would be great! Thanks!
18 Posts
I am currently a student in TCU's program. Although new, the program is run and has been set up by people who have been involved with nursing schools of anesthesia for many years. The professors are very helpful and the administration of the school seems to go out of their way to make sure you do what you need to do to succeed and learn. It is a front loaded program, so the vast majority of the classroom work is in the first year, with the last 16 months being dedicated to the residency (clinical) side of it. I have only been here since August, but i love it. I have studied more in the last month than I did for my entire Bachelor's program. There is just tons of information given to you. At any rate, I recommend TCU's program to anyone thinking about coming here. Tuition is the same for in and out of state. For my class, I believe everyone is paying 11,000 this semester and next with reduced amounts for the summer and clinical portion. If you need additional info or want more details about things, just pm me and I'll be happy to help.
I am a SRNA @ TCU. I am currently in my 2nd month of the residency portion. I am also from Tulsa, and am at St. Francis right now. I agree with Hulk, and highly recommend TCU. If you'd like specifics on the program and/or the clinical site at St. Francis and/or distance option for second semester, PM me and I'd be glad to share!
5 Posts
I am also a TCU RRNA my primary clinical site is Lubbock, Texas. I also would highly recommend TCU. Don't kid yourself all programs are hard, but i feel TCU gave me the support and assistance i needed to be successful. It has been a very positive experience for me. Go Frogs