Published Nov 13, 2014
4 Posts
Hello Everyone! I am back to square one, withdrew from first semester of nursing school. It was the best decision I made to not hurt my GPA and start a clean slate. I will come out stronger and bigger this time. Just have to learn to work less shifts at the hospital My question to all of you and please help. I want to apply to a different school (wytheville) that requires the TEAS. This favored school allows three attempts. I have already took the test twice at my previous nursing school. (New River). I just took it couple of weeks ago at my dream school (wytheville school) and did not make the passing. I was fine with that because they told me I could take it again in 90 days. Problem.. Wytheville school told me I have already took it 3 attempts and that I can not take it again for their school. After I just took my third attempt If they were more clear than I could have waited to take it, but they told me beforehand I had 3 attempts for them. Miscommunication. This school stated that TEAS testing allows only 3 attempts which is not true. I called TEAS testing/ATI and they said a student can take it as many times as they want. It is the school that makes the rules. My previous school new river, allows once per year. I will take it again at this previous school to send my new, recent, passing score to Wytheville. Will they deny me because in my ATI testing record it shows four attempts? This situation is really upsetting me. I can not use any of my previous TEAS score because they were not passing. I got in nursing because of my job. I have showed much improvement and I know I will pass this one. I just hate they screwed me because I think they don't know what to do. Please help.
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
The school makes the rules as to what they'll accept for TEAS test results and attempts. The programs in my area will accept the first passing score on the TEAS test and only after some period of time has lapsed they might accept further attempts at the TEAS test. I believe that their "passing" score on the TEAS V exam is 62, so if I were to take the TEAS 3 times and got scores of 56, 65, 79, they'd only accept the score of 65 because it's the first passing score.
It's truly all about the school's own rules and those should be well explained in the school's admissions info packet.
19 Posts
so did you get accepted?