Published Jun 4, 2011
1 Article; 852 Posts
I am changing positions at work and cutting my hours. Both will cause a drop in my income. I am a single parent, with a mortgage and I'm so freaking scared. I have a budget, a plan and a back up emergency fund. My fear comes from relying on the VA, waiting for back pay from from the U.S. Army in the amount of 3K, and an unexpected expense. My grandmother passed away recently, the airfare etc was $2,000. I'm trying to have faith. But really I am stressed out and this is not how I want to start school. I have enough money to buy my books, and uniforms, fall tuition is already paid. I have never felt this vulnerable or dependent on others, it frightens me. I have no regrets, but how do those of you with tight budgets deal with this, so you can focus on school?
miss blessed
8 Posts
Hi, u just have too trust that God will take you through nursing school without worrying about finances. That is the best advice I can give.
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
My condolence to you on the lost of your mother.
Part of it is my faith and the other part is good budgetting. I buy only what is necessary and will be treating myself in a big way when I graduate for all the sacrifices I've had to make. I live alone and have rent and other bills to pay, but I make it work. I buy all my books online for cheap and save money that way. Some of my classmates rent their books and return them once the semester is over. I make lunch and don't buy. These are some little things that can help you save.
You can make it!
343 Posts
49 Posts
look to see if your state offers reimbursement for working for IHS or other in-need areas in return for paying for ur education. Call the board of nursing. Also ask the HR about any programs regarding tuition assistance.
another tip....extreme coupoining? :)
God bless you in your journey. Have faith that He will have a door open for you somewhere. I know it seems daunting, but just stay diligent about studying and budgeting. Remember, this too shall pass. Good luck!
Thanks everyone, I'm doing better now. Just had too much thrown at me at once. Changing jobs, home repairs, daughter had prom, SATs, senior pictures, her college applications (tuition shock), after buying plane tickets for the funeral I wasn't sure if I could afford my uniforms and books. It worked out though.