Topics About 'Morphine'.
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Hi everyone~I am a semester 2 student nurse, I am quite confusing with dilution of medication. Question:You need to serve your patient 2mg morphine, you have 10mg/1ml morphine. (you need to dilute morphine with 10ml NS) How many ml morphine you need ...
When moving from acute, inpatient nursing to home hospice, nurses have to reshape how they think about morphine. In acute care, there is an emphasis on minimizing narcotics, fear of creating addiction and adverse outcomes for patients after their hos...
I just started two months ago and am still with my preceptor. We (I) pulled morphine from the pyxis and gave the correct dose to the patient with her watching the whole time but we forgot to go back to the pyxis and waste the remaining in the vial. I...
Hi everyone! Nursing student here and the other day in clinical I was giving a patient 4 mg IVP morphine for pain. Well I know I was supposed to dilute it and I know im supposed to give it over 5 minutes. What I didn't understand was the dilution. My...
Have a question, I'm doing my preceptorship in my hospitals ICU right now. I love it by the way. Last night I was taking care of a patient that was on CVVHD (Citrate), LR & NaCL replacement @ 500, CaCl @ 40, TPN @ 75, Insulin gtt, and various ant...
I have a question, or a scenario rather that I have recently come across. Recently at work, I had a hospice patient who was unresponsive with respiration between 7-8 bpm with long periods of apnea. Resident was thought to be in the "active" dying pro...
On orientation, at a previous facility, I was told about nursing doses. Normally it involves giving extra narcotic to a person in severe pain. This occurred in a emergent setting where patients would have been ordered Morphine 1mg IV and the dose com...