Published Jan 23, 2016
46 Posts
So recently the hospital I work at has started allowing speciality areas to wear custom t shirts with a logo specific to their department. We have to come up with our own designs and then they have to approve. I work at a very conservative, religious affiliated hospital and I would like input on any ideas. My specific area is MICU. SI and neuro are making their own as well.
I would like a small design on the front left breast/pocket area and a larger design on the back. I've googled and looked at cafepress but would like a more original design. Do any of y'all wear t shirts instead of scrub tops? Have any neat graphics that would look good on a shirt? If so please post in comments :)
Thanks in advance!!
So far I found this and really like it, but I'd put ICU in the middle, maybe have text around the circle. Just brainstorming here, ha! I would also try to keep it gender neutral, which eliminates a lot of the cutesy
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
I work in a peds ER and I just get the generic gift shop t shirts with our logo on the front but they have different colors to choose from. I've also seen people with "Level One Trauma Room" on the back along with the logo on the front and I've also seem tie dyed t shirts with the logo on the front which is pretty cute