suspected fake seizures and I.E.D.?

Nurses General Nursing


I have recently moved into my girlfriends mothers house, due to financial issues. The mothers boyfriend claims they have seizures and intermittent explosive disorder. Which is causing issues for my girlfriend, daughter, and I. I read here how to tell if the seizures are fake, from here but what about I.E.D.?

What I can say about the seizures is that the first time I saw it, he was falling to the ground, but braced himself. He has showed signs of staring into space and then having what we call his baby talk episodes. This normally happens after 5 sneezes, supposedly when hearing a vacuum, or randomly.

There's only one situation where he said he has I.E.D. and expressed it angrily, and from what I cold find there are no real tell tale signs if they are real or not.

I am fearful for our safety, but currently their is no other option for us to go. I am worried I will be arrested for protecting my family from any potential dangers and harm, and my girlfriends mother is delusional.

This guy has had issues in the past with drugs, (now is "only" a pothead) attempted to physically assault my girlfriend when she was young, and now is diagnosed with cancer. He was physically assaulted some years ago and received a head trauma. When diagnosed with cancer the nurses gave him a letter of recommendation to see a psychologist or something. My girlfriends mother when confronted says "I'm not gonna throw him out on the street".

Is their a sure fire way to see if he has real seizures and intermittent explosive disorder? Obviously if the I.E.D. is unable to be proven real I do not wish to chance getting close to use smelling salt, or the pressure on the cuticle. Please help I'm desperate now.

Thank you in advance.

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