Published Jun 11, 2016
1 Post
I am writing an article about personal experiences of Filipino nurses/ assistant nurses working abroad and would like to ask anyone who are interested to share theirs. This is for a school project.
It can be a funny, bad or good experience in the work place or in the country itself.
I plan to gather multiple first hand experiences so I decided to post here since I don't know a lot of nurses who went or are still working abroad.
If you are interested, kindly include answering these questions:
1. age, position, country where you have previously or currently working
2. length of work experience in this country
3. Why did you choose this country and was it your first choice?
4. What do you love or like the most about living and working in this country, and v.v.?
5. Do you plan to settle here?
You can also share if what visa did you apply for (did you start on a student visa then went through the process until you have acquired a working visa?, etc)
Thank you!