Published Nov 21, 2017
1 Post
Hello everyone,
im a nursing major and im conducting a little research for my sociology class and need survey data to complete it. i was hoping that i can have a few wonderful nurses answer some of my questions. if you would like to help me that would be awesome. you can send it i think in the private message or respond to my post.
1. age?
2. marital statues?
3. ethnicity?
4. how long you have been a nurse?
4. how many hours a week do you work?
5. how do you cope with stress at work?
6. have you ever felt sad? and what is the longest duration?
7. what do you do to relax on your off time?
8. if you drink alcohol, how much do you drink a week?
9. if you smoke, how many cigarettes a day?
10. Does smoking decrease your stress? and do you smoke more at home or at work?
11. how is your quality of sleep from a 1-5? 1 being the worst and 5 being the best