SUNY Farmingdale


Hi everyone!

I am transferring out of a Brooklyn clinical program in to SUNY Farmigdale. I wont start until January but I will be starting in the 2nd semester. Wanted to see if anyone is there now and likes it. Also want to see if anyone is starting thier first semester in fall, because then we would be in the same class come January. Would like to keep in touch to see how you feel about the Farmingdale program.

I cant wait to get started again. Anyone taking regular Lib Arts classes this Fall? I wanted to try and get some BSN classes out of the way. I am planning on taking Italian (language) and a History course.

Hope to hear from some people!

I'm currently a new LPN and am interested in attending Farmingdale for their LPN-RN program. I just wanted to know how you like their program.

I graduated SUNY Farmingdale in May '06. I have nothing negative to say about the program. No matter where you go to nursing school you have to work hard and make adjustments in your life especially if you have a family. Good luck to.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Hi, I am thinking of attending farming dale and wanted to know is the nursing program difficult to get in like nassau?

Specializes in Telemetry.
Hi, I am thinking of attending farming dale and wanted to know is the nursing program difficult to get in like nassau?

The year i started the nursing program (2006), i think they said they had over 1100 ( or 1400? I can't remember) applications and they accepted 150. There's much more competition in the public schools than the private ones b/c the tuition is so much cheaper. I would say the only real difference in applying to farmingdale vs. nassau is that farmingdale also has an entrance exam. IMO, that makes it more attainable for some people (if you have a couple of grades that are less than an A, but do well on the test- it can compensate for it). I had a 3.8, scored in the 98th percentile on the NLN exam and was in the first group accepted that semester- to give you an idea to work with. I thought that you HAD to have an A in A&P1 to even be considered, but i actually had a few classmates that got a B+... but, they did really well on the NLN, so they were accepted. I dont think that their qualifications are significantly different from Nassau's, but i like the different format.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Do all students have to take the entrance test 2 farmingdale if they want to get into the nursing program. On there web page it says if on waiting list? And is the test really hard or is it basic math, science and english knowledge?

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