Published Oct 2, 2008
2 Posts
I am looking to change the field I am in. I have been in OB for approx 10 years. I want to get out of the hospital. I need something a little less stressful, but I want to use my nursing skills. I'm worried that OB is too specialized and no one will want to hire me! Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance...:redbeathe
Halinja, BSN, RN
453 Posts
I don't think you'll have any trouble, your experience may be in OB, but you still have skill sets you've built up over 10 years. You have assessment skills, patient interaction skills, Dr. and other staff interaction skills...and if you've survived 10 years in OB, you obviously stand up well under pressure.
I'm working in a freestanding surgery center outside of the hospital. (love it, by the way) Three of us working there used to work in various labor and delivery positions. Not once did they seem concerned about me being too specialized.
You are an experienced nurse. You're a hot commodity.