Suggestions on a Pharmacology Text


Specializes in Anesthesia, critical care.

I am posting this to get feedback on Pharmacology text. I am a practicing CRNA who has been asked to develop and teach the pharmacology course for BSN students at a local college. I would really like to hear from other faculty member who teach or have taught this subject matter, and your recommended text to use for the course. I want this course to be challenging and to have strong pathophysiology integration.

Thank You,


Pharmacology for Nursing Care by Richard A. Lehne

I know your looking for a faculties point of view, but I am in my first year of NS (BSN) & in Pharmacology right now and thought I would let you know from a student's point of view-great text (large text/small text); the way the author words the text feels like he is lecturing to you in a class, which is highly appealing; uses creative examples to describe the drugs mechanism of action; well organized; up-to-date; great diagrams

Specializes in Medical-surgical:ortho, cardio, oncology.

I have used Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach (2008) by Michael Patrick Adams, Leland Norman, Jr., Ph.D. Holland, and Paula Manuel Bostwick.

The text has useful diagrams and tables, my mid-course surveys indicated that students liked the the way the text, and thought it was well-organized.

You can "bundle" a great online resource called MyNursingLab with the text and save students $$$. My course survey also revealed that students thought MyNursingLab helped them to study more effectively, and improved their performance on quizzes and tests.

Specializes in Medical-surgical:ortho, cardio, oncology.


The text has useful diagrams and tables, my mid-course surveys indicated that students liked the the way the text made connections between pathophysiology, pharmacological treatment, and nursing care; they thought it was well-organized.

Specializes in Medical-surgical:ortho, cardio, oncology.

I will also add that about 15% indicated that they never used the online component. This is an average response for any kind of study aid I have ever used (workbooks, etc.).

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