Suggestions for difficult working situation


Specializes in Infection Control, Quality, Risk.

Due to the scheduling at a small rural hospital where I work, all nurses work a rotation of "on 3, off 2, on 2, off 3". Therefore, we always work with the same nurses on our same rotation. I work with another nurse who is interested in moving to the ER when a position becomes available. She has never pushed the point, but fills in when the nurse working ER needs to be out (which is quite regularly because of her health). Today, the regular ER nurse accused the other nurse of trying to push her out to "get HER job". This has discouraged the fill-in nurse to the point that she is considering changing rotations to get away from this nurse. The whole controversy is being fueled by a lab tech who likes to keep people stirred up against each other.

The fill-in nurse asked me if I thought changing rotations would help the problem, but I didn't quite know how to answer her. This girl has been a LPN for about 2 years, I have been a LPN for 10 years, and the regular ER nurse has been a RN for about 20 years. I told her that my experience has shown me that there is always something stirring about somebody and this will blow over eventually and someone else's feet will be in the fire. To make the situation more sticky, the ER RN is acting supervisor on the weekends when the DON is off. So talking to the supervisor when it happens is not possible.

So my question is: When all this drama presents itself in supposed professional environment, what is the best way to handle it?

My personal opinion is to ignore it. "This to shall pass" Right? Any other view points would be appreciated.

Specializes in LTC, ER.

that sounds like a really bad situation. the fact that this troublesome nurse acts as supervisor on the weekends makes it really difficult. if i were you, i would stay completely out of that mess. let the nurse who wants to be er deal with it. don't offer any viewpoints or advice on the subject, because then you will be involved in all the drama, and this person (the er rn) can make trouble for you. i have found that when faced with people who like to create drama and discord, it's best to stay far away from them, and don't gossip with them.

Specializes in Infection Control, Quality, Risk.
that sounds like a really bad situation. the fact that this troublesome nurse acts as supervisor on the weekends makes it really difficult. if i were you, i would stay completely out of that mess. let the nurse who wants to be er deal with it. don't offer any viewpoints or advice on the subject, because then you will be involved in all the drama, and this person (the er rn) can make trouble for you. i have found that when faced with people who like to create drama and discord, it's best to stay far away from them, and don't gossip with them.

Thanks for the good advice. I think my tendancy to want to "help" people makes me get involved in situations that I have no business in. You're right... I need to keep my nose out of it.

Thanks again!

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