Studying Tip...

Specialties CRNA


Hey guys,

I'll be starting school this next August and have been doing a little studying on the side. I have been reading Lange and Stoeling & Miller. I was wondering if these are the basics for CRNA school and if so what chapters would one recommend to concentrate on the next couple of months leading up to school. If other books would benefit me more please list each. I appreciate any responses. Thanks in advance.

Hey guys,

I'll be starting school this next August and have been doing a little studying on the side. I have been reading Lange and Stoeling & Miller. I was wondering if these are the basics for CRNA school and if so what chapters would one recommend to concentrate on the next couple of months leading up to school. If other books would benefit me more please list each. I appreciate any responses. Thanks in advance.

Stoelting and Miller is a good choice (Basics of Anesthesia, right?). I would concentrate on the opioids chapter and the inhalation anesthetics chapters. Actually, I would just read the first eight chapters...the pharmacology will be some of the more difficult material, at least at first, and understanding some of the concepts, like MAC, MAC-awake, etc can be difficult for some.

I can't comment on Lange...I don't own it.

Remember to enjoy your summer too....gas will consume your life for the next few years, so make sure to enjoy yourself while you still can:-)

Thanks for the tip.

When you say "Lange" do you mean the company that published 'Clinical Anesthesiology' by Morgan and Mikhail? If so, then that's also a great book to read, mainly because it sticks to the meat of the subject and doesn't talk about rat hippocampus studies for 5 pages (Barash).

I agree with heartICU ... stick with the pharm. The second section of M&M is all clinical pharmacology.

And you may have already heard this, so forgive me if I reapeat someone - in my opinion, don't spend time BEFORE school starts on studying!!! These could be your last few precious months of freedom before being stuck in a studying vaccuum for the next 2 and 1/2 years. Go do something fun and worry about school once it starts. Plenty of students do great without having read a lick of anesthesia material before starting ... you can too!

Hey guys,

I'll be starting school this next August and have been doing a little studying on the side. I have been reading Lange and Stoeling & Miller. I was wondering if these are the basics for CRNA school and if so what chapters would one recommend to concentrate on the next couple of months leading up to school. If other books would benefit me more please list each. I appreciate any responses. Thanks in advance.

S t e p a w a y f r o m t h e t e x t b o o k s ! ! !

This topic has been addressed many times, you will have more than your fill of anesthesia in the next few years.

I strongly recommend that you read anything but anesthesia.

Anesthesia school is a marathon, you should be spending your time now CARB loading on the things in life that give you joy.

I agree. I just started school in January and I followed the advice of many on this board to stay away from the books and enjoy family, friends, and those things that school will take away from. Enjoy your free time while you have it!!!!!!!!!!

I have to agree with the previous will study so much once you are in school, and it will be much more valuable b/c you will be in class and can ask questions about anything that is confusing. Our program director actually told us NOT to read before we got into our classes. Go out and enjoy yourself now b/c the next couple of years you will be completely engulfed in school:)

Specializes in DNAP Student.

Don't study yet. Wait till August. Enjoy the freedom you have. Take it easy. Have a vacation. Enjoy!

Guys I'm not studying 8 hours a day or even close. I just like to open up the books for a while here and there, you know when you're on the toilet or your shift is running a little slow... I do have a life and plan on taking full advantage of my 4 months of freedom before school starts. Just wanted to know stuff to brush up on. But thanks for the input and good luck to all.

I highly suggest NOT opening one of those books while on the toilet ... you're likely to develop constipation on the spot.

I highly suggest NOT opening one of those books while on the toilet ... you're likely to develop constipation on the spot.

:yeahthat: :rotfl:

OK Kat,

What did you really write before you edited???

I've been reading a bit pre-school myself, no change in GI patterns, but it sure helps get me to sleep at night!

Hey, I'll be in Charlotte July 1st!

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