Studyguide101 vs. info


Hey everyone! I must say this has been THE most helpful site in my decision making process for my nursing classes. Thanks to you all! I promise to give back and share my experiences as I go along. I need some help. I have just started studying for EC's Anat and Phys but I'm running into some gaps. I purchased the Studyguide 101 stuff, Vangonotes, and just picked up Mosby's Anat and Phys Study and Review cards (awesome!). The problem I'm having is with some missing info.

I read through the SG101 study guides, but when I go try the practice quizzes and reviews, they ask questions about topics that aren't even MENTIONED on the study guides. I get that there is more information about A&P than one could ever totally know, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be studying. Should I follow the guides? Or use the quizzes as the guides? It just seems kind of random.

Also, anyone used the Mosby's cards for the EC exam? So far, they seem really great, so I will give you my opinion as I go.

Anyway, any help with the SG101 vs. info problem is much appreciated. Thanks!


I used Excelsior's practice exams, Study Group101, Standard Deviants Anatomy DVD, and an Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies book. I got an A on the exam. You can read my post about it here:

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