Published Nov 23, 2009
2 Posts
I am an LPN student and have an assignment involving teaching other nurses. I am currently preceptoring at a hospital where all the nurses have years..and years of expereince, so finding a topic to teach them about seemed impossible. I chose to teach about 'wound vac therapy' and completed the assignment and felt very good about it. The nurses seemed interested, asked questions and everything went very well. The problem is now that I didn't receive a 'pass' for my assignment but my instructor has given me the chance to re-do the assignment (in 3 days). She stated that the problem was I didn't set it up like a 'care plan', so I didn't have the needs assessment, measurable goals and strategies and barriers to learning clearly defined.
I had enough trouble trying to teach nurses with so many years expereince anything and now can't quite figure out how to develop a teaching plan so that it resembles a care plan. Any ideas to help me generate a revision of my paper?
My ideas were that this rural hospital sees an aging population, patients are waiting placement and receiving pallative care- so these patients may be at risk for skin tears, wounds etc but how do I describe measurable goals for teaching the other nurses?
Any help or ideas would be so great - thank-you!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
You know the nursing process. In this instance the "patient" is the learner. State your assessment of the target audience (the learner) in relation to the topic. I would stick to 1-2 concepts considering the time frame. Your diagnosis might be learning deficits such as how to manage the equipment or how to assess the patient, etc. The plan is what concepts need to be covered in order to meet the assessed need (state the outline of your presentation). The intervention is your teaching strategy (poster, live presentation, video, etc). Your evaluation is interaction with the learner or even a written eval or demo. Barriers, etc would be part of the diagnosis and in your intervention you plan how to overcome those barriers. Hope this helps!