Maybe an ignorant question about CRNA Tasks/Career

Nursing Students SRNA


Yeah, okay, so this is my first post. YAY ! Anyways I really would LOVE to become a CRNA I have had 3 surgeries, (I was twilighted) and everytime I went under there was someone right at the top of the operating table holding my head, and constantly checking my vitals, very close to me at ALL TIMES. Is this what a CRNA does? because it made me feel super comfortable having that person there, and it is what I would love to do, whatever duty they had (at the top of the operating table) is really what I want to do. THANKS!:)

*Side note if there is anyone here who is actually a CRNA can you tell me some of your daily duties? Like reading the tasks on the internet is one thing, and actually knowing exactly what they do (first hand) would be 10000x better :)


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