Aesthetic , derm and cosmetic nurse practitioner

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi all!! I am currently an RN BSN working in an operating room in Florida. I have always thought that I wanted to one do go back to school for my nurse practitioner. Lately the role of a cosmetic injector NP or derm NP has really caught my interest so if I do decide to go back to school that's the field I'd like to try to get into. Does anyone work in this field now? Do you like It? How many hours do you work? What are your shifts? Is the money in an office setting worth the 40k school would cost me? I appreciate the tips! Thank you!

Don't pay $40k. Apply for a RN job in a derm/aesthetics practice and let them crosstrain you to do injections and procedures. Getting hands-on training from an MD in the specialty is the best route to go. You can stay there and do your NP school and afterwards negotiate new terms to help the MD build the practice and to make more money for yourself.

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