Published Jun 29, 2010
4 Posts
Anyone interested in answering some ? I have to interview a nursing student for a class I am in.
185 Posts
Sure, shoot.
There is kind of a lot of questions, but any you can answer would be great.
What school do you attend and what semester are you now in?
What are the best things about the program?
What are the worst things?
How does nursing school affect your family?
Why did you select nursing?
What do you find easy about nursing school?
What do you find the hardest?
Would you say the nursing program is expensive? Are there any hiddden costs?
Do you work? If so, how many hours a week?
Is there anything you were not academically prepared for?
What would you change about the program?
What part of the program causes the most anxiety?
Do nursing students support each other?
What clinical experiences have you enjoyed the most?
Would you encourage your son/daughter to go into nursing?
Are you glad you picked nursing as a major?
Do you feel that nursing school prepares you for the profession?
TWU Houston beginning Senior I semester in the fall
Very challenging and mentally prepares you for the workforce more than many schools
Unorganized at times due to the fact that the main school is located 300 miles away and the dean of the school didn't want her job to begin with and it's obvious.
Financially, they have to pay for all my stuff!! Plus I had to move away from them and see them less often
I took A&P and realized that I wanted to know as much as I could about the human body and healthcare was definitely the right choice for me and med school was too long and not dynamic enough for me to do what I want to do whatever it may be at any given time and change my mind about anything, plus I wanted to be able to have managable hours so that I can one day have a family and not have to work 90 hrs a week
haha.... i live 1.5 miles away from it? :)
ummmmm....everything. Basically, nursing school changes everything you thought you knew about school. I was always good at school. it came easy to me. There is nothing easy about nursing school it challenges you in every way from the tests to the clinical hours but I love it! I love being challenged in school for once in my life
My school is pretty affordable, they just upped tuition quite a bit but it's still cheaper than others and one of the top nursing schools in the nation so it's totally worth it. Scrubs, stethoscope and all the other things you need on top of the outrageous book prices i guess could be hidden costs
No, I get student loans and my entire family helps me out monthly since i had to move away to another city
Of course, the tests are not normal tests every answer is right you have to really rack your mind for every single test question and you second guess yourself which is the worse thing you can do. But that's the point of nursing school to train you to think critically and consider every item in the equation before making decisions
There are obviously things that could be improved on, but as nursing schools go, I think everything is fine how it is at ours.
Finishing care plans at 3 AM and making sure you get up at 530 AM to be at your clinicals, thinking about the test you have the day after and trying to squeeze in study sessions at clinicals during downtime, waiting a week for test results, worrying that you aren't going to remember anything you learned when you take NCLEX......the big one: HESI! Not having time to grocery shop, sleep, or sometimes take showers (eww! i know.) You're pretty much a nervous wreck the whole time :)
Ummmm yes...but all the while being competitive with one another... the support grows and competitiveness fades as it gets harder, like you're all in the same miserable boat
doing IV's and blood draws is like my favorite thing ever! I really enjoyed L&D it was amazing
That will remain to be seen after I graduate and work!
Definitely! I finally feel academically challenged
Yes. But, no matter how good the program is the workforce is different and you don't even START learning until you start working. You will never know all there is to know and nursing is a profession in which you are a lifelong learner!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer these for me. Have a great day!