STLCC Nursing 2015


Hi, I am a prospective nursing student for STLCC, I was wondering how long the wait list is now? How long do you or did you generally have to wait? Which campus would you prefer? I've heard FV campus is the worst. I'm waiting to hear back and I'm getting anxious to know when I'll start.

The most important... What did you do about working?

Any advice is welcome!

Thanks 🤓

I am at the FP campus and about to start third semester. So far, I have had a good experience and have had good luck with instructors and that sort of thing.

i don't work, but that is a big issue with some students. Working full-time in first semester is probably fine, but second semester is very busy. By the time you get to third, they tell you not to work more than 16 hours per week. Some still work full time and can pull it off, but I really don't know how they juggle it all.

As as far as the wait list goes, I know that it was recently "cleaned up" at FP. They might tell you the wait is a couple of years, but it wasn't that long for me because I had all of the other classes out of the way.

I've heard a lot about the FP campus. How is the scheduling? The only classes I need are the core Nursing and a Physical Ed. course. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. How does the first semester go?

Thanks for the response :)

With scheduling, in first semester, you have lecture two days a week (I think Monday is noon to 3pm and Thursday is sometime in the afternoon) with a skills lab on one of those days, along with one clinical day (Tuesday or Wednesday) that is 7am-1pm. For the skills lab, you have to also set up a day and time when you go back and show them that you can do a certain skill that you were just taught (and practiced in lab) so that you can do that skill in clinical. Let me know if you have other questions.

In the skills lab is that done at a actual hospital?

No, it's in the lab at school. They teach the skills in there, and once you've mastered them, you can do the skills on a real patient in clinical. The lab is taken in the first and second semesters, worth one credit hour.

What do you mean by 'cleaned up'?

Do you know if there are ever classes that end before 3 pm, or can I take my classes at any campus? I know Flo Valley doesn't allow it.

From what I've heard, there were a lot of names on the list, but a lot of those people had moved, changed their minds, or whatever.

You can put your name on the waiting list at any of the campuses, but you have to stick with the same campus once in the nursing program. Sometimes people transfer from one campus to another, but you can sign up for flo valley classes if you're in at forest park.

Classes usually end before 3:00, but clinical is a whole other story.

I got my acceptance letter on March 7th & am excited. I applied last summer & I could've started this spring but had COM 200 to take. So the wait for me was 2 semesters. They changed the requirements again but thank god that I'm already in ☺️

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