STCC Fall Nursing 2023


Hey everyone! I know it's a little early but I thought it would be nice to create a little chat/forum for STCC nursing students who are wanting to apply this Feb 2023 for the Fall 2023 Nursing program. Feel free to use this forum to your advantage! Good luck to everyone applying this year. If you already applied drop a line so we know the time frame of acceptance letters.

Applied for Fall 2023 on Jan 25th, application was accepted. Just waiting for April when they make their decisions. My chances are very slim since I didn't have Microbiology (currently taking). But was advised to go ahead and apply even if it's a long shot. If not Fall 2023 I hope to get accepted in Spring 2024.





































Any response yet? I'm still waiting too.

No not yet, they won't make their decisions until sometime in April. I saw somewhere else that they send letters out to those who don't get in first. If accepted, you should get a call and email. From previous posts, it usually is later on in April unfortunately,  so just a waiting game. Do you mind sharing how you did on you NLN and do you have all of your sciences completed?

I took the TEAS didn't require to take NLN. All my science courses are completed. Yeah, it's just a waiting game at this point. Good luck hopefully we hear something soon. 

Did you get accepted into the program? 

Nope, did you? I'm waiting on a view more schools.

No I didn't either. Shooting for Spring. 

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