Published Jan 30, 2008
nursing twin, CNA
38 Posts
Hey everyone,
I'm supposedly starting my job on Monday as an nursing intern in the OR. I'm waiting on the results of my boards that I just took yestarday to confirm whether I can start or not. I have many things I am freaking about right now!! I've observed few surgeries so far and I have to pass a test after 4 weeks of classroom time. I don't know if I passed the NCLEX yet and am scared b/c I stopped at 75. Any advice on getting started?? What should I expect the environment to be like and how the doctors interact with us.?? help!
OR male nurse
112 Posts
This has been discussed "ad nauseum" on this board. The best advice I can give you is to search this forum and see what's already been said about what it's like to work in the OR.
Good Luck
yes I realize that many topics I discuss have been probably discussed before but I'd rather hear replies than do a search. I was hoping for aome advice. I realize what the job entails and I want to hear more real opinions about it.
I'd rather hear replies than do a search.
Spoken like a true nurse intern. The best advice I "could" offer was to take a little time and read what has already been said. I wasn't trying to be a wise guy. If you had any questions after that, ask away. If you're not willing to at least do that, why should I/we take the time to write back to you ?
I just felt that was a rebuff to what I asked...maybe I did take that the wrong way but to be told my one of the first times I post a thread here is "ad nauseum" feels really good! I thought I did ask questions but maybe they were too general. I mean I can't really ask specifics if I don't know my job too well can I?