Starting a new job at an Assisted Living Facility

Specialties Geriatric


What's it like working at one of these? I have no experience so I'm just really nervous I want to do a good job and pick up on things fast. I love helping people so thought itd be something id like to do..there's only 20 residents also so it's a smaller one..and I'm starting on first shift. Any information you could give me would be awesome :)

At my ALF, the nurses (all are LPN's including the DON and nurse manager) basically just push meds. They don't utilize most of the skills they've learned. There's no trach care or anything like that. They cant even give injections with the exception of insulin.

As a CNA, I am also a housekeeper, maintence assist, cook, and waitress. We cook most of their meals, plate their meals, pour the drinks, do all their laundry, clean all their rooms, change lightbulbs and things of that nature. Plus basic care like showering, dressing, feeding, etc. In my state, ALF's aren't allowed to use lifts so we do all our lifting. Also, in my state, any resident in an ALF must be able to get out the front door by themselves in under 13 minutes. But I work in the Alzheimer's unit of my facility and that allows the DON to bring in new residents that cannot bare one ounce of their weight without getting in trouble. We only have 20 residents but at least 17 are dead weight.

All of this for $8/hr.

I've been at my job for over a year and am currently looking for a different job. It's not worth it for me. I hope your new job is nothing like this and I wish you all the luck in the world!

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

Congrats on the new job! I know you are excited to be working with the geriatric population. Have moved this post/thread to the LTC Forum, for better response :)

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