Published Apr 10, 2018
1 Post
I'm starting lvn Lpn school at a private trade school in 2 months.I am turning 60 in 4 days. Is the schooling doable part time program at private trade college at my age?
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
I know of few pre-licensure nursing programs that are part-time. However, I also never went to school to be a LVN so it's possible that such a program exists and I don't know about it.
As far as your age...IMO, your age will limit what you can only if you let it. Granted, there are some things in life where being/not being a specific age does matter...but a nursing career isn't one of them. If this is what you really want to do, then why wouldn't it be doable?
In my nursing class, I had at least two classmates who were in their 50s. One worked for 7 years and then retired; I'm not sure what the other is doing now, but she was able to land a new grad job faster than most of us.