Published Feb 16, 2005
1 Post
Hi All,
This is my first time posting, so please forgive any unwitting transgrssions.
I am doing a reseacrh project for my MSN in nursing education at univ of Northern Colorado. My colleagues and I are trying to determine a few things and I thought this might be a great forum for assistance. We need:
- diabetes knowledge assessment tool, preferably less that 5 years old
- what are the expectations of your staff nurses?
- what is your basis for your expectation of knowledge
anything else that you all would share with me would be a great help.
Jeanie Murray
Denver, CO
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
First of all, a warm welcome to AllNurses and to the Nursing Educators Forum, Jeanie :balloons: I am also in a MSN program in nursing education.
I am unable to answer any questions about staff nurses, but perhaps the following information about a diabetes knowledge assessment tool will be of some assistance:
The authors developed and validated a semi-structured interview, the Diabetes Self-Management Profile (DSMP),to measure self-management of type 1 diabetes. The DSMP includes the following regimen components: exercise, management of hypoglycemia, diet, blood glucose testing, and insulin administration and dose adjustment.
Hopefully some other educators will chime in to assist with some of your other questions :)