Staff Development


I have been in Staff Development for about 6 months now. I would like to know if anyone has any ideas or tips on how to make inservices more interesting to the employees. Our facility has videos that they want all to watch upon hire and annually thereafter and this becomes really annoying to all because there is just no excitement at all. I have found that our CNA's are burned out and overworked and having these boring videos don't help the situation none. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

This is always a challenge, no matter who your target audience may be. Go online to find games and innovative ideas. Talk to the clinical ladder nurses about topics and let THEM come up with novel ideas. I find they are great at that. Attend seminars yourself to get ideas. Subscribe to "Creative Training Techniques" (email [email protected]). Involve other disciplines in the teaching (I give CNA workshops 2-3 times/year with PT, Dietary and others talking or demonstrating things the CNA needs to know about. This helps with teamwork aspect as well). Some links:

Hello, I hope you read this often. Are you an independent contractor that gives these workshops - or a staff member? Thanks.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I am a staff educator. The secret is utilizing resources.

Hello Classicdame:

Question: I am new to staff education and have been given a project. I have been researching and came upon your replies to many posts. So, I am here to ask you a question and gain some knowledge.

How would one go about streamlining nurse orientation while still being in compliance? My hospital does have Healthstream, which I feel is under utilized. I know this can be used for the didactic part.

One problem is, the current educator (who has taken another job) teaches everything from vital signs to bladder irrigations. I sat through orientation as part of my own orientation and was bored. Too much info. Not all units do the same things. There are unit specific educators, but am not sure of their role or what they do.

I want to present a proposal before speaking with these educators. Do you have any suggestions, ideas, websites, etc...that may help me? Any help is very appreciative.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I worked with nursing directors to determine what they do in unit-specific orientation. I do not re-teach nursing school. Orientation is to "orient" that person to THIS facility's way of doing things. So I cover equipment and policies, using the JC Natl Pt. Safety Goals as a guide. I have "experts" from other disciplines speak briefly on how their dept. interacts with nursing. RT and Dietary and Env. Services are the most popular. Seems the details of how to contact them and when and what to expect was an issue. A lot can be covered in computer based learning, so I utilize that as well. HOWEVER, spending 30 minutes on a module that teaches hand washing is a bit much. I would rather have the Infection Control nurse talk to them about that, plus our process on isolation equipment, dirty and clean utility, Core Measures that relate to IC----. That way the nurses can ask questions.I have two days of new nurse orientation then the nurse gets competencies and precepting on the floor. Within 90 days they have to complete the computer modules. We just had JC survey and there were no education issues.

Classicdame, thank you. Just one more questions if I may.

What type of subjects do you cover in your nursing orientation? We have a General Orientation that covers things like fire safety, biohazard chemicals, etc... my nursing orientation is about 6 days covering almost every skill there is I


At the hospital I work at we had popcorn and drinks while watching an inservice. It seemed to make nurses want to come, it was a nice break from the floor and they learned something too.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Bobbygirl: Sorry, but I do not look at this site often. I do not teach any equipment use except for IV pump and feeding pump. Lab teaches POC equipment. I leave the rest of the equipment teaching to the preceptor. Topics include pain management, skin and wound care, visit from Resp Therapist, vascular access, MD from lab teaches transfusion reactions, I teach blood admin policy, generic documentation, dietary and environment of care, cultural diversity (age specific is done on unit), just stuff from patient safety goals list. Nurses appreciate the interaction with other dept leaders. Pharmacy Director, etc. I make sure we find the policy on the Internet for each topic. That way they can find them later.

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