1st year as an LVN


I became a nurse already a year now . I started working at this nursing home that I dreamed to work as since I was a little girl. At first , it was hard remembering all the patients . And where everything was at . Take in mind I was a new grad , we still did paper charting, and I worked the best shift ! 3-11pm not ! the reason why I say this is because 3-11 gets the madness that wasn't done in the AM . Admissions (most of the time ) come around the pm shift . Each admission took at least 1-2 hours if you really count the time you put in a new admit . I remember at times I would be there finishing my work till like 2 in the am. Why sometimes patients would have COC or incidents which equal a 30 page packet. But , besides the points. I loved my job . I loved my patients , the families and just feeling comfortable once I got the hang of everything . I'm 22 years old , very conservative . But one of the few downfalls I delt with was having co workers that were older than me and that would question me constantly and of course doesn't help that I'm very sentive . Towards the end of my year there I would come home crying just crying because I would get treated like crap by the NOC nurses . I kept getting harassed on my age by my colleagues and it was hard trying to talk back to them or stand up when I always grew up as the "respect your elders " sorta thing . I obviously quit this place even though I miss it terribly ! Because of all the learning I received and the blessings I received from that job . Now I'm working hospice and one thing now that's happening is , family's see me and say "she's too young to be a nurse " the part that kills me is that it's the family's telling my administrator . I currently have the most wonderful administrator , very small hospice company. I went from being a field nurse to now office . i need advice on my situation . I don't know what I'm doing wrong , I know being more assertive but being more assertive And telling for example family's or my co-workers "oh I know this , I don't need help or just being up front " is not me . As a nurse I believe I should be caring , understanding , compassionate and open minded .

Many times I question my self maybe I shouldn't be a nurse by I love it too much to give up so easily . I'm planning to go to school pretty soon, but why are older nurses to mean to new nurse and family members is it normal for family's that family members on hospice to prefer older nurses ? Or is it maybe just me thinking that ?

Ughhhhhhh I just don't know . ������ I'm obviously applying to bigger hospitals is this the same in other companies or is it a small company sort of thing ??

Mmmmmm ������........

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