Published Mar 7, 2005
491 Posts
:balloons: Today is orientation, so I guess I'm not really in the ED yet, but... I am spending 3 weeks in general orientation (IV certs, sedation, legal issues, etc) then 3 weeks on a burn step down unit, getting good at all this stuff! Then finally, on to the ED for 6-7 more weeks of orientation! Very, very nervous but also excited , good luck to all the other new grads starting in the ED!!! Share your expirences, so we can all compare notes. :)
3 Posts
Good luck
I suggest longer than 3 weeks as a floor nurse before hitting the ER but you're obviously committed so....
343 Posts
I certainly remember my first day, but it was the first day off orientation for me that's most memorable. I was assigned one critical care room along with three other rooms. I had a lady in the critical care room with a HR of 40 or less none symptomatic, but the pacemaker was setup and ready to go. I had to pull her out of the room for a patient that came in the back door with DIC. I must have given her 37 units of blood products in two hours with a level one infuser - mind you DIC rarely comes in the back door usually we help to create it upstairs. I finally got her upstairs and when I came out the family tried to give me something I refused but ended up pleasing them by accepting the gift. The family member who worked at Dillard's gave me a simple of male aftershave she stated this is all I have I wish I could give you more. Those little things are what make it all worth wild. I'll remember that forever.