Published Jul 1, 2012
1 Post
I have recently decided to go into nursing, and I have a couple of questions for current students at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro, Ohio.
1. How is the program, instructors, courses, equipment etc.?
2. When you learn to draw blood/insert an iv do you practice on each other?
3. What is your experience with Southern State? If you could go back would you still attend SSCC or would you have gone somewhere different?
Any additional info about the program would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
32 Posts
Hello, I'm in my final semester of my last semester at southern state. I hope some of this helps.
The program is challenging, but not impossible by any means. The LPN portion of the program, has been ranked #1 in the nation for the last few NCLEX cycles. After the first three semesters, you can sit for the NCLEX-PN, then there are 2 more semesters to finish the RN. The instructors are all clinicians who know what they're doing. They're all pretty good to us! We have all the standard and advanced equipment that the four-year schools have.
No, we never practiced on each other, but we joked about wanting/needing to pretty frequently! We had a bunch of simulation arms to stick first, and some computer simulations as well.
This is a bit of a loaded question for me... I went out and got a bachelor's degree before nursing school. I have thought that maybe I should have done an accelerated program in the past, but after the experience I've had... I just wish I had come to Southern State before anywhere else. Community Colleges are affordable and close-to-home. The teachers are fantastic and I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Otherwise, the program is competitive entry (no wait lists), 5 semesters long, and there are ATI standardized tests that you have to take. I really hope this helps, please let me know if I can answer anything else for you! Best of luck!