Sms orders of physicians: Legality issues


hi. im taking up MSN and im undertaking a research regarding the problems that nurses have encountered regarding sms or text message orders from doctors.

can you please share your experience--if you have any--or your view regarding this issue.


Being neither fish nor fowl, it kinda falls between the cracks.

A text, though written, doesn't have the persistence of a written order. When I get a written order, I fax it to the pharmacy. Now it's on the chart and permanently recorded in the pharmacy's records.

It travels by phone, but without the opportunity for read-back or witnessing.

And without the signature or recognizable voice afforded by written or phone order, there's no solid proof it was issued by the doctor.

On top of it all, all hospitals probably have policy in place regarding written and phone orders, so if they don't have policy in place regarding text orders, I'd feel I was standing on thin ice taking such an order without first converting it to an approved form, say by calling voice for verification.

Thanks for the reply.

The hospitals where I am undertaking my research don't even have protocols regarding text message orders.

Its really quite risky for the nurses.

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