Published Jan 21, 2009
22 Posts
What does your unit/hospital require for skills days? I am looking for info to revamp ours. Can you include types of skills and how many times a year?
42 Posts
My hospital offers skills days once per year during a specific month. There are 4 different days available (one per week) during the month and staff can stop by anytime during the posted hours. They sign in and receive a packet that explains the different stations. They can stop at the stations in any order, so if one station is very busy, they can move on. The stations include everything from waive testing, to hands-on skills (mock codes, insulin pens, various pumps, etc) to new processes. It takes lots of organization and assitance from other staff nurses to "man" the stations. I think the nurses learn more when there is an actual person at each station explaining/reviewing that particular process, although we do have some stations that may just have a poster that they read. I also utilize various medical reps to "man" stations if we have a new piece of equipment. It takes approximately 3 hours to complete and it is mandatory. The dates are posted at least 3 months in advance so staff can make arrangements to attend. I think, in general, staff enjoy this time. They come in (and get paid) on their time off, socialize with their peers, and hopefully learn something new! For the past two years, I have had 100% compliance (approximately 180 staff members)!!!
HazeKomp, BSN, RN
146 Posts
We have an annual unit-specific (Maternal-Child) skill day. Stations are open from 6am to 8pm to accomodate all the different shifts, child care issues, etc. We cover everthing from Amnicators to Accuchecks, from shoulder dystocia drills to infant abduction prevention. The whole hospital has an annual skill day for things that all employees need like fire safety, HIPPA, etc.