SICU Interview


I have an interview with the SICU tomarrow. I want to know what questions I should anticipate or what , if anything, I can review before I go in tomarrow.

Hey Mjv

You should emphasis that you have experience and skills with the procedures and monitors and the particular kinds of Pts/Doctors common in that unit. Do they do a good bit of Neurosurgery? You should emphasize your comfort with ICPs and Ventriculostomies. Do they get vascular surgeries? You should point out your experience with doplers and assessments of circulation.

You should point out the way you play WITH the team and the good relationships with co-workers.

Is this a night shift? You do well at calling the Doctor at 2AM with a concise description of the problem you're facing, what you've done about it on your own, what the results were and have at your fingertips the lastest labs, vital signs and other indicators.

You'll get hired 2 time out of 3 if you think--what are the problems this unit manager faces, how do I appear to have solved those problems?

Papaw John

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