
Specialties School


I ordered my stock epi in August when I usually do, and EpiPens4Schools has said they're still out of stock and cannot send me my 2 Epi-Pen Jrs & 2 Epi-Pens. I think I have it in my budget to pay for the epi at a pharmacy, but is that possible? Can I walk in and get this from a pharmacy or order online? I have a written prescription from a doctor that I uploaded to EpiPens4Schools. I'm at a private school, and it's just little ol' me here figuring it out on my own, so I'm stuck.

From what I've seen they only offer free Auvi-Q to public schools, but I'll send them an email and try.

I work at a private school and was able to get free Auvi-Q's this year. I requested them for the first time this year because I am still waiting for epipens and my current stock ones have expired.

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