Published Dec 8, 2004
7 Posts
I have been a NICU nurse for 20 years. I carried nursing insurance for a few years but let it expire, figuring I didn't have anything they could take anyway. Now I am married and my husband has a good amount of $ put away. My dad pointed out to me that if I were sued now, it could be taken away. (We live in Texas, a community property state.) :uhoh21:
I have had to give a couple of depositions over the years, but don't know of any nurses who have ever been sued. I think the statues of limitations for babies runs out when they turn 18 years old, or 1 year after they die. I know about the hospital covering us as long as we follow policy. But who can realistically follow every policy to a T at all times? --especially if you have worked in several hospitals were policies vary slightly?
I need some advice please.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
There is a thread on the OB/GYN forum debating this topic. If you do an archive search, you will find other discussions on the matter as well. It is a hot topic with passionate opinions on both sides.
My personal belief is that yes, all practicing nurses should carry Liability Insurance. But that is just my opinion. Perhaps you could benefit from a consultation with your financial advisor and or a local healthcare attorney.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I look at it this way ... Your house will probably never burn down, but you probably have home insurance "just in case." Professional liabililty is the same type of situation. You will probably never need it, but it is good to have "just in case."
It's relatively inexpensive and it helps me sleep at night. I have always had it and plan to keep it that way.
Thanks Jolie and llg. I went and read the Ob/Gyn tread. Lots of good info. I'm still undeceiced but leaning toward getting it--like llg said, for peace of mind and so I can sleep at night.
I also plan on calling a few medical malpractice lawyers to see if they will give me any information.
Another reason to get it, I'm thinking is to protect me if I am called before the BON.
If I get any info from the lawyers I will post it.