seven weeks to go


Specializes in ICU.

Hello California nurses, only seven weeks left before we are on holiday in Calsbad (can not wait). Any nurses working in Carlsbad, would love to chat.


Specializes in ICU.

someone please talk to me

someone please talk to me

I think you need to be a little more specific in your request. People are really busy taking classes and working various shifts.

Do you want to know about tourist spots in Carlsbad? If so, Google "Carlsbad" and "tourist". Something will come up.

If you are looking for possible work, again Google Carlsbad, nursing and hospitals. You'll get some results.

If you want to know about the pay, contact the hospital you are interested in and the nurse recruiter can tell you.

Good luck.

Specializes in ICU.

Hi smiles

thank you for your reply. I would just like to talk to some American nurses. My husband and I are thinking about living in America with our two children. And since we are having a holiday in America I thought it might be a good idear to speak with some American nurses, in relation to work. This would give us a good idear about the american work culture. Also what are the best places to live in the south california area. We will be in America for one month on a house swap holiday so this would be a good opertunity to live and experience living within the local community. My husband is a R.E. teacher, what are the schools like? I would also like to visit some of the hospitials. If anyone could help please feel fee to post.

regards Gods

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