Published Oct 16, 2012
76 Posts
Greetings fellow nurses and travelers,
I am still relatively new to traveling-this is my third assignment, second in my field of nursing that I currently work in (ED)
The facility I am at now is just-well, scary. I have had multiple instances of bad pt hand=offs-primarily from triage to room or medics to room. For instance, tonight I have pt being admitted to ICU-I am working on him-mult orders, he self-dc'd IV etc and during this time I got not one, but two chest pains place in my rooms with no report-I walk into their rooms-not on monitors, not undressed, nothing. one was young, but had pulmonary artresia and had a valve "blocker" in her heart-so she had potential for problems. I don't know her outcome, but I am tired of this poor care-like I said, this happens regularly-and I am hearing it is a normal occurrance from regular staff-they just act like, yup, that's just the way it is....and follow up with their stories. Pt load is terrible-no consideration for what is happening with your pt's it's all about get em in get em Talked with charge nurse and got the "Ill talk with them....ummm, ya right. So I'm starting to think about documenting each instance, pt name, CC-problem and take to admin. So, if you have had this, what have you done??? i am tired of looking like I give late/poor care when I am not even notified I have these type of pt. Any thoughts/help would be appreciated.Oh, and yes travel company is getting an education/earful tomarrow-my guess is this won't be the first time they have heard problems with Hospital X. I know current other travelers are having same experience. Anyway, thanks