Published Feb 28, 2008
1 Post
Good Morning, I have a few questions on nursing. I'm currently enrolling in a program that State of Michigan has called No Worker Left Behind ( NWLB) and one of the demands is LPN and RN in my area. My girlfriend is a LPN but asking her is like asking my daughter. ( Not sure how she got her LPN licenses) anyway how, my questions are.
1. I'm 32 and going back to school, will I be able to follow the learning of becoming a nurse? I watch what my 15 and 13 does just in HS and I cant believe what they do now compaired to what i had in HS.
2. I'm not that good of a out loud reader, my eyes seem to wonder around then follow what i'm reading. will this hold me back from becoming a nurse?
3. How long does it take to get your LNP as a full time student? ( NWLB will pay up to 10,000.00 and you have 4 years to complete it.)
4. what kind of math skills do you need?
well thats about all i can think of, I really want to try this but I would like to know what I'm walking into. thanks for reading and all comments are welcome
thanks again
541 Posts
I've always believed that I can do anything I put my mind to and that philosophy has served me well. I don't believe that age has anything to do with the ability to learn. I rarely had to read anything out loud in nursing school, but there is a lot of reading involved. Again, if you really want to become a nurse, you can overcome this! I'm an RN and I honestly don't know much about LPN programs. The best thing to do would be to contact some local programs and ask about cost and length of time. The highest level of math skills required is basic alegbra.