Published May 1, 2017
florence2012, BSN, RN
14 Posts
Wound care is part of my job as the weekend RN at a nursing home. I have been taught that Santyl is a enzymatic debrider that works in a moist environment and destroys the collagen that holds necrotic tissue in place. Also, that it is not to be applied to healthy tissue.
I am currently being chewed on for dc'ing Santyl on a wound that is closed on plantar surface of a heel, but not quite filled in, has no slough. I changed it to skin prep q day to toughen the new skin that has formed. I am being told that calcium alginate "activates the Santyl and stimulates granulation," and that Santyl will continue to be used on this wound, even though it has no slough, because it stimulates granulation. What???
What do you think of this?
Also, I am being told that there is never any reason for me to change a treatment on the weekend. !!
I am very frustrated, but respect all you wound care nurses so much. Please advise.
11 Posts
I'd visit the Santyl FAQ page at Collagenase SANTYL® Ointment | The Continuous, Active Micro-debrider. "How long should I use Santyl?" is a question and the answer is when medically indicated or the necrotic tissue is gone. Maybe print out the page and pass it along. It's not needed once the non-viable tissue is completely gone. There is no reason to continue using it.