
Nurses General Nursing


What is the average Salary for a RN starting out. I have heard so many different amounts in my area. I live in St.Louis Missouri, I have been told around $50,000 and my frined says thats a joke. I should move somewhere thats pays a good salary. To me thats a great start. Is she crazy? She told me in Atlanta they start out at $65,000? What??? Im working towards my ASN I hope to work at a op hospital but c'mon

Specializes in PEDS-HEM/ONC.

There are many similar posts on the board. You might want to search the subject and read through them. It depends on where you work, how much overtime you work, what part of he country you live in. I would look it up on the internet or call some of your local employers and ask them what a new grad salary looks like for the unit you are interested in and the shift you want to work. In our area of the country, most new grads are starting out on night shift. The differential will vary as well as starting pay depending on many variables.

Good Luck.

Specializes in ICU.

My friend who graduated two years ago started at $24 an hour in Atlanta. Maybe if you worked nights, weekends or overtime you can make $65,000 there but not just straight pay. You can make $65,000 in St. Louis ( I would think) if you start at $50,000 because that isn't with all the differentials and OT...just how much and when you want to work. Here in MD just outside of DC I will make $50,000. Seems to be the average in alot of cities, unless you are in NY, San Fran, L.A. or some other really expensive city.

It depends on the location. I think that $25.oo an hour base is good. In MD it is around $23.00 an hour. I believe in Cali and NY it is higher.

I was an LPN for 8 years and have been a RN for 3 years and my base is $29.25. So there you go..... Good luck and take care...

Specializes in ICU.

I live in MD, near DC, and most of my friends from school are making about $26 an hour, including myself. Those who don't mind fighting the traffic into DC are making btw $25-$28. For me the extra two dollars at the hospitals paying on the high end was not worth paying for parking, the union, extra gas, and extra childcare hours because of traffic and distance from my house.My friends who went to Baltimore are making $25.

I worked at a Magnet hospital in St.Louis you can probably guess which one-first year I started at 22.90 an hour because I had been a LPN previously new grads I think start a 18.00, shift diff hourly is 2.40 for evening,2.90 for nights during the week 5.30 for weekend nights, I made 50k first year but that was signing up for lots of over time and at that time there were shift bonuses- those bonues are a thing of the past. Big time cuts at this hospital-floor staff put up with alot of sh**, wasn't worth it:down: very corporate driven culture expect you to do more with less support from axillary services the nurses on my floor that had been there for more than five years I could count on one hand most would move on after one year, floor managers barely last two, beware, money is important but not worth your sanity.

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