Rural nursing

U.S.A. Oregon


I'm interested in moving to Oregon, but right now I live in Scottsdale, AZ and have to worry about a lease and student loan payments. I'm working on the night shift and make around 30/hr but with the high rents here and my loans I don't have much left. Not to mention the horrendous traffic here and the rude drivers and the constant accidents holding up traffic. I'm dreaming of trees and water and no heavy traffic. I'd like to live in a small town in a rural area in the central part of the state, but how would I locate such a job? And would it pay enough for me to live on. Anyone here working in a rural area who could tell me about their experience? :idea:

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Try Bend, Oregon are you cant live in the actual town, homes are too expensive but outside of town you should be able to find affordable housing there is some traffic, but really not that bad...

Specializes in ER,L&D,Med/Surg,OR-Just about everything.


What areas in nursing do you have experience in and what are you willing to learn? Our small (40 bed) not for profit community acute care hospital is always looking for hardworking, interesting people who are not afraid of challenges. We offer a competitive wage and benefits, plus the added bonus of living in the Willamette Valley. If you are still interested email me at [email protected] and I will tell you more.


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