Published Aug 2
5 Posts
So unknowing about not to hang Rocephin with LR, I spiked rocephin using the tubing for the D5LR fluid that finished. There wasn't much in the chamber. After 10 mins I decided to look at compatibility and saw it wasn't. I changed the tubing then. The rocephin only mixed in chamber with the D5LR
I did speak to management who didn't seem to worry.
I'm freaking out. Not doing it again.
939 Posts
The main concern with ceftriaxone and lactated ringer's is that there is an increased risk of forming calcium precipitates in the line, this is especially concerning in neonates as it has been linked with death. In adults, there haven't been any reported cases.
You took the correct action by changing the line and informing leadership. It appears the patient did not have an adverse event, just take this as a learning experience.