RN interview


hi a am taking a 100 level nursing class for my undergrad studies and i am needing to interview a rn. i am not a nursing major and i dont kno anyone perosnally that is a rn. if anyone would be interested in taking a small questionaire it is listed below. please respond as quickly as possible. thank you

i. demographics

indicate all educational degrees held (place an x)

_____ associate _____ diploma _____ baccalaureate

_____ master's _____ doctorate _____ other

*additional educational licenses, certifications and future plans for their own nursing career

*hospitals, college(s) or university(ies) attended

*identify and list all of the areas the registered nurse practiced and the number of years worked in each area.

*current nursing position held and location

*definition of nursing

*positive and negative experiences in nursing (at least two of each)

*changes they have seen since they began nursing school (at least two of each)

*challenges and opportunities facing nursing (at least two of each)

* advice they have for your nursing success as a nursing student (at least two)

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