Published Jun 1, 2013
4 Posts
Hi all, I'm wondering if there are any RN's on this site that work or have worked in Contingent positions @ either Henry Ford or DMC hospitals in Detroit, Michigan. I have several questions with regards to the starting hourly wage, scheduling, and provided training/education. Any insight would be much appreciated. I am new to the website, feel free to add me as a friend, post on the thread or private message me.
948 Posts
You might want to post this in the Michigan nurses' forum or do a search for it there. Just go to the "U.S." tab at the top of the page and choose Michigan from the drop down menu.
I live in SE Michigan, but I work in Ohio and unfortunately don't know anything about either of those hospitals.
Good luck!
Thanks for the tip
I've reposted the topic in the correct the way, have you ever worked a contingent position in your career?
I have worked as a contingent float nurse for a large healthcare company in Ohio that owns several hospitals and as a contingent inpatient nurse for a hospice company in SE Michigan.
In general, in a contingent position the hourly wage is higher than the regular staff's because contingent positions do not include benefits, you can pretty much pick which days you want to work but will usually be required to work a minimum number of weekend days and holidays each year, and you are not guaranteed hours but can usually get hours if you want them since people are always calling in sick, taking vacation time, or the facility is just plain short staffed. You will also be the first to get called off or sent home if census drops because the regular staff is guaranteed hours and contingent staff is not, although sometimes I have worked when a member of the regular staff needs to use up some of their PTO and they have gotten the day off instead. It all just depends on which company you work for.