Published Oct 17, 2011
92 Posts
Is anyone here currently in or has graduated the RN to BSN program at U of M? What do you think of it? How was it balancing the course load with working and family? Did you do the full time or part time program? I graduate with my ADN in two months and was looking at this program for next summer or fall.
9 Posts
I am currently in the program. I chose the 3 semester route. I wouldn't recommend going less than that. I took one class over summer and am taking 3 this semester. 2 are half semester classes so it comes out to 2 classes at a time. So far so good. With any online program, you have to be motivated and keep up. So far they have been incredibly flexible. I have had a couple of situations where I had to work a long stretch or had a death in the family and they totally worked with me. I start clinicals next semester and I know that they work with you to find a good placement and if you don't like it they will work to find you something else. We aren't supposed to use names one here. but the director of the RN-BSN program is amazing. She is a total class act who would do anything to help you out. She also teaches several classes.
Overall, a very reasonable, very fair program. I personally am more comfortable attending a "real" university.
Thank you for responding. I appreciate your insight. I too want the flexibility of online, but want the "real" university behind it.
Did you start it soon after finishing your ADN or did you wait a while? And how is the admissions? Competitive in this track?
I graduated in December 2010. I did have to email them to get my transcript evaluated and know that a friend of my in the program had to also. They do put the regular BSN students first so if it takes longer than you think it should, get in touch with the transcript office so that your app can be processed ASAP. (Not sure if that is a problem with the Nursing Dept or the Transcript Office.) Anyway, I wanted to start in January, but they never evaluated my transcript so I never heard back. Finally got through the red tape and started in the summer. I think as long as you have a 2.7 GPA, you're in.
Thanks. I graduate in December, but am looking to possibly start June or September next year. I want to give myself some time off while orienting at my new job before jumping back into school.
24 Posts
@ jessrn78 when taking the clinicas, you dont do that online right? are you working as a asn while doing this program
50 Posts
Does anyone know the cost per hour of this program? The numbers on the site are a bit difficult (for me) to figure out.