Retake math on HESI A2 or retake the entire test!? Help!


Hello all, I am looking to get into nursing school. The program I am interested in just needs a overall 75% score on HesiA2 to get in and I was only tested in 3 subjects. Math vocabulary and reading. I got a 75% and 84% in vocabulary and reading but I got a 46% in math... I’m so embarrassed and feel so defeated. I have one more chance to take my HESI again and they gave me 2 options. I can either re-take math only and try to score a 68% so they can combine this with the 46% and that will be enough for me to get into the program. OR I can re-take the whole exam and since I’m already good at vocabulary and reading I can try to score higher in those categories and that way I’ll only need to get a 55% or 50% in math and everything will end up averaging out to be a 75% for me to get into the program but they will not combine these scores with the scores from my last exam. 

So I’m confused about which route to go. I’m not very good at math like at all... so I feel nervous to just re-take math and bank on scoring a 68% because that’s such a big number compared to 46% but I also don’t want to risk scoring low in those other departments I don’t feel like I should gamble with those scores. So I don’t know... what would you do in my situation?

When you took the HESI A2 how long did it take for your scores to be posted online?

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