Resources for aiding people to get their prescriptions page 3


Fisons Pharmaceuticals no phone products inlcude gastrocrom capsules

Gastrocon Patient assistance Program

PO Box 1766

Rochester, NY 14603-1766

Genetech inc 800-879-4747 products inlcude actimmune, activase, nutrpoin

Glaxo wellcome 800-722-9294 products include aleran, zofran, zovirax, blenoxane, myleran, navelbine others

Hoechst-Marion Roussel inc 800-221-4025 products inlcude carafate, diabeta, lasix, trental and others

Immunex 800-466-8639 products inlcude leukine, novantrone, thrioplex, others

Jansen 800-544-2987 products include duragesic, imodium, nizoral, propulsid, vermox, ergamisol, hismanal, sporanox

Knoll Pharmaceuticals Co 800-524 2474 products include isoptin, rythmol, santyl, snnthroid, tarka, mavik

Liposome Co Finanial assistance program: 800 335 5476 products inlcude abelcet

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