Relocating from St. Louie to Phoenix


Specializes in Cardiac/Neuro.

My husband has a job opportunity that we cannot pass by, so we are probably moving to Phoenix! I am a little worried, I have never lived outside Missouri (sad, isn't it?). While I will miss my hometown and all its little haunts, I am looking forward to moving to a new city and growing new roots. I will not miss our wonderful weather :no: (the Missouri saying is, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will probably turn into something worse)

Where is the cool place to live in Phoenix? Excuse me, if I seem naive, St. Louis is very neighborhood oriented and fractured. Is Phoenix like this? Are there mixed use areas? (bars, restaurants, and homes?) Where are they? Is the real estate reasonable in these areas?

On another note, does anyone work in the Arizona Burn Unit? Do they hire new graduates (RN, December 2007)? I worked with burn patients as a technician, before I graduated nursing school, and I loved it! Otherwise, do any of the hospitals have ICU fellowship programs?

Good suggestions of where to live, eat and work in Phoenix would be appreciated! :wink2:

:coollook:Oh my, so many moving parts to your question! Let's see, I cannot answer ANY job elated questions as Im not a nurse (yet) but apparently we still have a shortage so you will definately find a job. I know nothing about the burn unit however.

As far as the living situation, there are many mixed usage all over! There are a few areas I can think of that are strictly neighborhoods, but then you can drive a few blocks to local shooping malls and resturaunts. There is NO shortage of food joints let me tell you that!

It does get very HOT......that's no joke. I have no idea what your price range is but you can send me a PM and I can give you more info! You should take a trip out here first if you can....

My husband has a job opportunity that we cannot pass by, so we are probably moving to Phoenix! I am a little worried, I have never lived outside Missouri (sad, isn't it?). While I will miss my hometown and all its little haunts, I am looking forward to moving to a new city and growing new roots. I will not miss our wonderful weather :no: (the Missouri saying is, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will probably turn into something worse)

Where is the cool place to live in Phoenix? Excuse me, if I seem naive, St. Louis is very neighborhood oriented and fractured. Is Phoenix like this? Are there mixed use areas? (bars, restaurants, and homes?) Where are they? Is the real estate reasonable in these areas?

On another note, does anyone work in the Arizona Burn Unit? Do they hire new graduates (RN, December 2007)? I worked with burn patients as a technician, before I graduated nursing school, and I loved it! Otherwise, do any of the hospitals have ICU fellowship programs?

Good suggestions of where to live, eat and work in Phoenix would be appreciated! :wink2:

I'm from the East Coast (and my wife flies to St. Louis about once a month, at least) so I "get" what you mean about "neighborhoods". To most AZ people, mixed use means strip centers and stucco houses. If you want a neighborhood feel, you will probably like the following areas of Phoenix: North Central and Arcadia. Both are pricey but have their affordable parts. That is the curse of decent schools and a central location. Lots of older homes mixed in with shopping, restaurants, close to downtown. Tempe is also pretty cool - but it is cool in a collegiate outdoor shopping mall kind of way. You will find nothing quite like the neighborhoods of St. Louis - but parts are close enough. I am partial to North Central as I live there.

About AZ Burn Center. Supposedly best in the region. Awesome reputation. Friend of mine worked there forever before burning out...loved it. Don't know if they hire new grads.

Specializes in generalMedical surgical; MICU/SICU/CVICU.

I actually have interviewed recently with the burn ICU manager. I have 4 years of experience, and she told me straight out that she doesnt hire new grads. She makes them work on the burn med surg or burn telemetry unit first since these patients are very complex. And after that, if the staff and MD's feel you have gained the knowledge to move up to keep patient safety a priority, then she will move you to the ICU.

Specializes in Cardiac/Neuro.

Thank you so much! I will start looking there!

Specializes in PCCU, ER.

I relocated from Chicago almost three years ago so I know exactly what you are going through. If you would like to do burns contact Maricopa County Hospital. They are the only burn center in Arizona (I think) and has the reputation as one of the best in the country.

As for where to live, I advise taking a weekend trip here and driving around. My advise though is to not live south of I-10 or in central phoeinx. These are not good areas and have very high crime. For safety and affordability, try North Phoenix or North Glendale.

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