Published Apr 4, 2011
53 Posts
Hi Everyone...I was just wondering if anyone has ever been reinstated into a Nursing Program? I was recently dismissed from an RN program and wanted to get some information. I have a meeting with the Vice President, the University's Lawyer, and my lawyer in a few weeks. I always thought that if a student needed to plead their case, they would have to do with the dean of the school. This is not the case in my situation, since this person that I am meeting with is the Interim Vice President, call me naive, but I am not even sure what that means. Can anyone give me some advice. I am losing sleep and myself in this. Any would be greatly appreciated...Please Help. Thank you!!!!
Rob27, BSN, RN
38 Posts
Do you mean you are not sure what interim means? It just means temporary, until they can be made permanent or until one is hired.
Also I am sure it varies for earch program and what you were dismissed for. I know several people who have "failed out" of the program, and nearly every one was able to reapply and get in the next time around. Most programs that I know of, only allow you one more admission.
Normally, lawyers become involved when you were dismissed due to, too many write ups, drug test failure or something along those lines, that you are challenging. I guess this is where you would fall into.
Also, once again it depends on the school as to who you might meet with. Some schools it would be the Dean of the program, and it could go up the chain-of-command, depending on how severe or who you might have the problem with. For example if you have taken issue with you the Dean of your program, then it wouldn't be wise for them to be the decision maker, so someone above them is needed.
I know it's hard, but try not to worry. Just be honest, be prepared to pled your case, and hope for the best. In the end worrying will not help you out one single bit.
My lawyer is involved because the nursing dept would not listen to my plea. I "failed" twice in clinical but other students made same mistakes. The first time I failed I had a medical reason. Has anyone ever heard of someone/student being reinstated? I am really seeking assistance...please....
961 Posts
I serve on the appeals committee at my school. I am not qualified to give legal advice in any way; these are only my experiences. Usually, what other students did/didn't do is only hearsay unless you have someway to prove it; I have never heard a successful appeal based on "It's not fair, Susie/Timmy did this and they weren't punished!" What you will need in most cases is to show that in some way, procedure wasn't followed (example- if your school's policy requires a learning contract or probation prior to failure, and this wasn't done, etc). If you were failed by two different instructors, your chances for a successful appeal may be decreased, especially if the instructors have kept careful documentation.
I will say that the vast majority of students we see at the committee (which handles appeals from the entire campus) claim they have been treated unfairly, and only very rarely do we see actual evidence of this. This is not to say it has never happened, just that it is rare in comparison to students who simply don't meet standards established by the school. So, if you have any validating evidence, this is the time to bring that evidence. As another post mentioned, be sure to follow the chain of command in any case.
ParkerBC,MSN,RN, PhD, RN
886 Posts
There was a student in my cohort who did not pass during our second semester. She did not meet the minimal 75% on skill comps. In fact, she had a 74%. Even with a 74%, she had a solid A in the course. She was dismissed because the syllabus stated that regardless of exam grades, a minimum of 75% is needed in the skills lab. She petitioned to join the cohort behind us and her petition was granted.
28 Posts
What options did your director of the nursing program give you? In our school you can fail and repeat a semester once. Also, you can try to apply for NCLEX-P after 3rd semester and become LVN while you wait for a spot to come back.
Thank you everyone for your replies...I am so depressed. I am hoping that God hears me on this one because I know in my heart that I was not treated right. I was so close to graduating. BurmaCharm I am an LVN, but thank you for the advice. AOx1, thank you for your advice and I know in some cases that the Instructors did not follow procedure. I am not sure what hand book they were following. My lawyer and I are looking into this. I feel so hopeless. All the time, money, and time away from my family really depresses me. Thank you...I need a prayer or two:cry:
CAn you return to the program and repeat a semester ?
I am hoping that is the case BurmCharm...I am hoping that the Dean sees this my way.....say a prayer
Most of the people in my school who were kicked out didn't fight it - just sign the papers and come back next semester. :-(
2 Posts
Am trying to post at this discussion board I found this. Hope it's okay to post here as I couldn't find another relevant post. Please HELP.. I have failed my final exam by 1% and have been dismissed from school. As I was ill I was not able to make one of the quiz. The school won't even give me the 3% for homework. Is this letter enough to have them consider giving me that one percent to pass. Or do I need something else. The president of school told me to write an appeal and his answer was to "write an appeal and don't say that give me another chance." Community pleas shed some light on this. This is my former letter that never reached him. How do I rewrite it so it fills his criteria. Love, J
Reference to the subject,
I am writing this letter as an appeal against my academic dismissal from School of Nursing.The dismissal letter sent by the school was received on May --, 2016, and honestly, il was a heart wrenching and upsetting moment for me.
Sir, I admit that during the last semester of my Medical Surgery. I faced a very difficult time as during most of the semester time, I was facing health problems which direly disturbed me and hindered my academic performance. Also, due ill health. I missed one of the quizzes, which the professor did not allow to take, stating that as per school policy one cannot take a quiz after it is missed. This affected my grade as well, even though my average final percentage before the homework grade was 77.63. Also, on my third exam, I faced the
same health problem which severely affected my grades.
Sir, keeping in view. my hectic schedule with job and school and responsibility to look after my 86 years mother who is living with me, I'd be highly obliged if you carefully observe my grades which were pretty good until the third exam and humbly request to reinstate my status, enabling me to continue my Associate Degree in Nursing in your esteemed school, under your able guidance and leadership.
Hi could you please respond to my post. Shed some light on this. Thank you!