Reflection project about Type 2 diabetes


I am doing my essay that is about Type 2 diabetes. I am so confused about the format of this essay. Should i use the first person in the essay? The essay is about what i have learnt from researching this topic and how it may influence my practice. If you have any idea, can you send to my personal messaging. Thank you very much!

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
I am doing my essay that is about Type 2 diabetes. I am so confused about the format of this essay. Should i use the first person in the essay? The essay is about what i have learnt from researching this topic and how it may influence my practice. If you have any idea, can you send to my personal messaging. Thank you very much!

Welcome to our forum and to AllNurses :balloons: Usually first-person is allowed in essay style, but you should seek clarification from your instructor :) Perhaps he/she can furnish you with an example. You will still need to use APA format (running head, header and page #, title page, reference page - should not need an abstract). Best wishes to you and please let us know what we can do to help.

Here are a few examples from the web of informal essays on the subject of type 2 DM:

Thank you very much for giving me idea about my essay. But i was wondering that what i should mention there. I know that i need to include what i have learnt from studying type 2 diabetes. But how i can relate to the influence of my practice. And also my friend told me that i should include the nursing care and interventions. So should i talk about any new findings? And for example, if i discuss i learn the risk factors for diabetes, can i mention that it helps me to be aware of patient at high risk of diabetes and educate them how to reduce their risk? Am i in the right track?

Thank you very much for helping me!

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