Published Apr 4, 2018
Tanya, RN, BSN
1 Post
Hello Everyone!
This is a thread for those who applied to Rady Children's Hospital San Diego RN Residency for Summer 2018 - starting July 30th, 2018. Please share the status of your application and updates so we are all in the loop because let's be real, this process causes a lot of anxiety. Thanks!! I applied to Hematology/Oncology as first choice & NICCU as second choice :)
2 Posts
I applied to the NICU as my first choice and Hem/Onc as my second. Still have not had a status change yet.
3 Posts
I am an internal applicant and just received my verbal offer from the 3E/Surgical unit. 3E is still interviewing other applicants for the three other spots. HEM/ONC have already picked their new grads. The other units have started or are just starting their interviews. Hope that helps!
Hey everyone,
I applied at the beginning of March as internal for ED/Urgent Care and still haven't heard anything either; only that they would be interviewing soon. Hopefully this week we all will start to hear updates :) There is another thread with updates about this cohort starting on page 6 as well Good luck everyone!
15 Posts
Hey there guys! I'm external (from Maryland) and I applied to NICU as my first choice on the first day the application opened (March 5th). And 2 days later the Sr. Nurse Recruiter said she sent my application to the NICU leadership team so I've only had 1 status update that says "your application has been reviewed and is being considered to determine if you are one of the most qualified applicants...etc etc etc". I heard that NICU usually gets back to people really later on in the game (end of April/beginning of May) so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Best of luck to everyone!!!!
Who did you talk to that told you that they would be interviewing soon???
Hey everyone,I applied at the beginning of March as internal for ED/Urgent Care and still haven't heard anything either; only that they would be interviewing soon. Hopefully this week we all will start to hear updates :) There is another thread with updates about this cohort starting on page 6 as well Good luck everyone!